My Credit Life Back

About Me

My name is Remy, thank you for taking the time to visit my website. I was raised in the Rogue Valley for the past 25 years. At age 32 years young, while hiking the top of Table Rock, I realized how important credit was in our everyday life. In that moment I decide to focus my energy on changing my financial situation. 

Remy With Kids On Table Rock Hike
I was so deep in debt: credit cards, medical bills, repos from cars, cash advance, pay day loans, personal loans, and other financial debt. 
Since then, I have focused all my energy on credit itself. I have found a new way to live with the credit power. I educated myself by reading many books, attended many forums, sites and groups on credit. 
I am here to give you the tools you may need through my website, forum and templates. 
This is my story, not legal advice. I am not an attorney, rather, just a man with a passion to help others through my own success.